Guest Writers Wanted

Would you like to be a guest writer on one of the world's fastest growing customer service blogs? The Customer Service Blog has now got over 50,000 readers, including 19,000 in the USA and over 18,000 in the UK.

About your Article
1. Your article should contain roughly 400 - 500 words and it must be relevant to customer service, customer loyalty, or customer satisfaction.
2. The article must be unique and exclusive. We can't accept articles that have been used elsewhere on the internet.
3. The article needs to be honest and accurate, and you must accept full responsibility for what you have written.
4. Your article must not just be a blatant promotion for yourself or your company. However, we will give you a full writer's credit and we will mention your website and company details if you want us to.

Before submitting your article please email the editor at - giving a brief outline of your article idea.