The European Contact Centre and Customer Service Awards 2016

The European Contact Centre and Customer Service Awards (ECCCSAs) are one of the most long established and well respected awards within the customer service industry.

The Awards are organised by the Call Centre Management Association who are members of the European Confederation of Contact Centre Organisations (ECCCO) with members in 20 countries representing over 35,000 contact centres and around 4 million employees.

The 2016 Awards are grouped into the following categories:
  • Innovation, Technology and Effectiveness
  • Customer Service Team Awards
  • Contact Centre Awards

The ECCCSA judging panel will be made up of experts from the world of customer experience, resource planning, learning and development, plus marketing experts and technology and social media specialists.

The Awards dinner will take place on 21st November in the ballroom of the Hilton Hotel on Park Lane, London, with around 1,000 attendees. It will be hosted by Fiona Bruce, the TV personality and BBC news presenter.

For more details about entering the Awards or attending the dinner visit: