More than 70% of the UK
working population perform roles that involve dealing directly with customers.
The service sector generates approximately 78% of the UK's GDP, and services are an
increasingly important source of revenue for manufacturers.
Quality and competence in customer service therefore has a massive impact on the UK's competitiveness and business success. Over the last decade customer expectations have risen and the priorities of customers are constantly changing. They are better informed, have greater choice, and are less tolerant of organisations that fail to live up to expectations.
Quality and competence in customer service therefore has a massive impact on the UK's competitiveness and business success. Over the last decade customer expectations have risen and the priorities of customers are constantly changing. They are better informed, have greater choice, and are less tolerant of organisations that fail to live up to expectations.
Moreover, customers can now use a variety of communication channels
(especially social media) to express their opinions, and complaints, about service levels. There
is also a growing recognition of the links between customer service and overall
business performance.
The All-Party
Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Customer Service was established in July 2014, with
the primary aim of raising awareness and understanding of customer service amongst MPs
and politicians, and to establish a dialogue with UK organisations across all industry sectors.
Members of the group debate the impact of customer service on economic growth,
business performance, public services and skills development.
The APPG is run by Members of the House of Commons and House of Lords. In addition, interested
individuals and organisations from outside Parliament are invited to attend meetings
to add their perspective. The group conforms to rules concerning transparent
funding and working in a cross-party manner.
The Customer Service
Blog will be reporting about the activities of this group on a
regular basis, and if you would like more details about the group’s activities
and meetings please email