Don't neglect your 'non customer'

Special Guest Blogger - Alan Thompson

No matter what business you run, it is important to consider your interaction with everyone you meet during your working day, whether they are considering buying from you, or they are visiting your premises for a different purpose.

You will get to know the outcomes of your meetings with potential customers. It may translate into business for you, or if not, at least you will gain some feedback as to why they didn’t buy on this occasion.

But you may never know the impact of your interaction with the ‘non-customer’. How much business could you be throwing away?

Let me illustrate my point with an experience that I have on a regular basis:

As a day job I collect and deliver cars, individually, not with a transporter. And often that means collecting from, and delivering to, motor dealer showrooms.

Upon delivery I have to get someone to check the car and sign to say I have delivered it. When collecting I need someone to get me the keys, tell me where the vehicle is likely to be parked and to sign to say I’ve taken it. Some dealers have a person whose job it is to deal with this, however, in most cases it is any of the salesperson’s responsibility.

Because I am not there to buy a car, in about 50% of cases I am messed around in some way. I am told there is no one available (when there are no customers in the showroom); I am asked to go look for the car first to get a key number or am advised to find a particular person to help me who is not on site. Even when someone does help me, I am often treated discourteously as if I am stopping them from completing something far more important!

I must say that there are some sites I go to where I am treated respectfully and dealt with in a timely and professional manner.

But because of my experiences there are several dealers local to where I live that I will discount straight away when I am next in the market for a car, because of the way that I have been treated when visiting them in my professional capacity.

Every business will have ‘non-customer’ visitors that might include the parts delivery person, the photocopier repairer, the meter reader, the postman ... I could go on. What should be remembered is that we all have lives away from our day jobs, and many of us have funds for discretionary spending.

Think about every interaction you have in your working day, and how it could impact on future business opportunities. Ensure you are in with a chance of me spending my hard earned cash with you!

Alan Thompson