Happy New Year!!! What are your New
Year Resolutions?
One of my own resolutions for 2018 is
to get fit and lose at least one stone in weight. But funnily enough, that was also
one of my resolutions last year. And the year before. And the year before.
But 365 days later, I am literally only
a few pounds lighter than I was a year ago. Aaaggghhhh!!!!!
So all my good intentions about
getting fit and losing weight at the start of 2017 have not really been achieved,
apart from a very slight improvement. And there are millions of other people
out there who have made similar resolutions, but have also failed to keep them.
Losing weight and getting fit is one
of the most common New Year resolutions that people make. And that’s why, at
this time of year, millions of people across the globe join gyms and health
clubs with the intention of losing weight and getting fit. January is the month
that health clubs rub their hands with glee at the thought of gaining numerous
new customers who, just like me, are full of good intentions.
So it’s concerning to hear that Citizens Advice received an average of six complaints every day during 2017 about gyms
and fitness clubs. The organisation is now advising consumers to think
carefully before signing up for gym memberships in 2018.
In fact, during 2017 Citizens Advice has
helped to sort out around 3,500 problems involving gyms and fitness studios.
And during the year, 60,000 people looked at its web pages for advice on how to
cancel their gym membership.
Among the typical complaints were:
- gyms being closed for long periods of time
- classes being shorter than advertised
- poor quality facilities
- people being held in a contract unfairly
According to Kate Hobson from Citizens
Advice: "At this time of year we're bombarded with offers for health and
fitness memberships, which can ask for a lot of money or commitment up front. It's
really important to do your homework before you sign up to any gym, health club
or fitness studio. Make sure you know how long you're committing for, how much
it will cost you, and think about how often you'll need to use it for it to
make sense on your budget."
And as for me? Armley Health Centre is
only a short walk from my house and I intend to be in their swimming pool at least
twice a week throughout the whole of 2018. Will I keep to this New Year resolution?
Probably not.
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