The importance of accuracy in customer service

What do you think is the main source of complaints about energy companies? Price rises? Equipment problems? Long waits for the phone to be answered? Rude staff?
Actually it is none of these. According to new research by Citizens Advice, the main source of complaints made to energy companies is about inaccurate or late bills.
The accuracy of billing accounts for a massive 60% of all problems reported. The second biggest issue was the way complaints are handled (17%) and phone waiting times (12%).
Interestingly, the research shows that customers still prefer to use the phone when contacting their supplier about a problem, despite various other online methods available to report problems.
According to Gillian Guy, CEO of Citizens Advice: "Every energy supply company should be able to provide its customers with an accurate bill. It is the very least people should expect. The inability of some suppliers to get this right causes a great deal of unnecessary stress for customers."
The Energy Ombudsman, which aims to deal with unresolved disputes between suppliers and their customers, said that the biggest billing problems were disputed energy usage, disputed account balances, and delays.
According to Jodi Hamilton, Relationships Director at the Energy Ombudsman: "At a time when consumers are savvier and more price-sensitive than ever, accurate and timely billing is a vital foundation for any energy supplier looking to build and maintain trust with its customers. We are keen to work with energy suppliers of all sizes to help them resolve more billing disputes in-house and reduce the number of complaints that come to us."

What are the best and worst companies according to Citizens Advice?
Citizens Advice has put together a table of the best and worst energy companies. They test energy companies on a variety of customer service factors, rather than just price. This includes issues such as accurate billing and swift resolution of problems if something goes wrong.
Citizens Advice suggest that these issues should be considered alongside any deals being offered when customers search for a new supplier using a price comparison website.

Breeze Energy
So Energy
EDF Energy
Octopus Energy

BOTTOM FIVE (listed worst upwards)
Nabuh Energy
Green Star Energy
Outfox the Market

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