Is Business Coaching a Con?

OK, I know what I’m about to say is controversial, but I really don't trust 'life coaches’ or ‘business coaches’. In fact I don't trust ANY coaches at all, probably with the exception of football coaches. And even some football coaches are very untrustworthy! For example, just look at the dodgy dealings of Sam Allardyce!! (If you don't know what I'm talking about, then there is a link at the end of this article).

I'm currently doing some research for a film on the subject of business coaching. Personally I think the whole thing is a money-making con. But more about that later.

I'm not suggesting that all business coaches and life coaches are bad people or ‘con artists’. I accept that there are a few  good ones. But in my experience of running a business since 2006, I’ve come across some appalling examples of con-men (and con-women) who will fleece you of large sums of money under the pretext of improving your life or making your business successful - but then not delivering on their promises.

So I was very interested to see a new documentary on BBC TV about a particularly bad business coaching company that has been ripping people off, and in extreme cases actually destroying people's lives.

I would stress again that I'm not suggesting all business coaches are bad people. This particular BBC documentary deals with an extreme example. But I do think there are an awful lot of charlatans out there, and in many cases the coaches who seem to be the most trustworthy are the worst of all.

My own film on this subject is still being prepared and will be out in the summer. But in the meantime, if you are thinking of paying someone to be your business coach or your life coach (or even your football coach!) then I'd strongly recommend you watch this thought-provoking BBC documentary first.

'A Very British Cult' (BBC TV documentary)

Click Here

Sam Allardyce Sacked from England Job for accepting £400,000 bung (plus his involvement in numerous dodgy tax avoidance schemes)

Click Here

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